Recipe : Lemonad Salsa

This is one recipe that i learnt from my dad. It is a thai recipe that i change a little bit. I don't have picture to show how it's look like but you will believe what the taste is like.
Resipi ni saya reka gabungadari resipi Thai yang ayah ajar. Tak sempat nak ambil gambar masa buat tu, tapi caya lah, rasa dia, fuhh,,lengkap..

Lemonad Salsa


  • ikan bilis 
  • 1 biji lemon
  • 2 ulas bawang besar
  • cili padi 
  • kacang tanah
  • gula, garam secukup rasa
  • parutan lobak merah (yg dijerukkan dgn cuka)
  • parutan timun
  1. Goreng ikan bilis dan kacang tanah berasingan. (amaun segenggam)
  2. Kupas dan basuh bawang besar, hiris nipis.
  3. Kisar/ tumbuk cili padi. (amaun mengikut kepedasan yang anda suka)
  4. Basuh lemon, dibelah separuh, hiris nipis (beserta kulit untuk mendapatkan warna) separuh,dan simpan lagi separuh.
  5. Gaul hirisan bawang besar bersama hirisan lemon, perah lagi separuh lemon ke dalam hirisan tadi, perap selama 30 minit.
  6. Masukkan parutan lobak merah, parutan timun, ikan bilis dan kacang tanah yang digoreng.
  7. Masukkan cili padi yang ditumbuk/ kisar tadi, beserta garam dan gula secukup rasa.
  8. Gaulkan sebati dan hidangkan. 
Selamat mencuba.

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the flower that wearing a skirt

This is one of my favourite Hibiscus, I called it Skirting Hibiscus. 

If you look carefully, this type of hibiscus is like a combination of Layers Petals Hibiscus and normal hibiscus. 

So, it has a "double decker" flower in a single stalk. nice right?

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Si Gajus

Ini namanya buah gajus atau orang utara panggil buah janggus. Ni masa kat pokok. Buah dalam gambar ni dah terencat@ retarded sikit, tu yang bentuknya pelik. 
This is a fruit called Gajus. The original shape of Gajus is far more beautiful but I took this picture because it was so unique. There are two colours; red and yellow. The red Gajus are sweeter and smaller than the yellow Gajus. The young leaves are always eaten raw as salad with spicy sauce.

this is how the unique Gajus looks like on the table. The shape is some kind like a bell and it is cute!!

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